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همه رده ها > Respiratory
تلفن : 02166487727

Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine

سال انتشار : 2022
افزودن به علاقه مندی ها

3,990,000 تومان 2,593,500 تومان
بیش از 1,000 نفر از این محصول بازدید کرده اند

شابک 9780323655873
نویسنده V. Courtney Broaddus (Editor), Joel D Ernst (Editor), Jr Talmadge E King (Editor), Stephen C. Lazarus (Editor), Kathleen F. Sarmiento (Editor), Lynn M. Schnapp (Editor), Renee D Stapleton (Editor), Michael B. Gotway
تعداد صفحه  

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine

Known for its clear readability, thorough coverage, and expert authorship, Murray & Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine has long been the gold standard text in the fast-changing field of pulmonary medicine. The new 7th Edition brings you fully up to date with newly expanded content, numerous new chapters, and extensive updates throughout. It covers the entire spectrum of pulmonology in one authoritative point-of-care reference, making it an ideal resource for pulmonary physicians, fellows, and other pulmonary practitioners.
Offers definitive, full-color coverage of basic science, diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of the full range of respiratory diseases.
Provides detailed explanations of each disease entity and differential diagnoses with state-of-the-art, evidence-based content by global leaders in the field.
Contains a newly expanded section on common presentations of respiratory disease, plus new chapters on COVID-19, asthma and obesity, airplane travel, lung cancer screening, noninvasive support of oxygenation, lung microbiome, thoracic surgery, inhaled substances, treatment of lung cancer, and more.
Covers hot topics such as vaping; advanced ultrasound applications and procedures; interventional pulmonology; immunotherapy; lung cancer targeted therapy; outbreaks, pandemics and bioterrorism; point-of-care ultrasound; use of high-flow oxygen, and more.
Includes extensively reorganized sections on basic science, pleural disease, and sleep, with new chapters and approaches to the topics.
Features more than 1,450 anatomic, algorithmic, and radiologic images (400 are new!) including CT, PET, MR, and HRCT, plus extensive online-only content: 200 procedural and conceptual videos plus audio clips of lung sounds.
Brings you up to date with the latest respiratory drugs, mechanisms of action, indications, precautions, adverse effects, and recommendations, with increased emphasis on algorithms to illustrate decision making.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you access to all of the text, figures, reporting templates, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

محصولات مشابه :
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States
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Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States
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Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
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Atlas of Arthroscopic Anatomy of Major Joints
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